Feb 3, 2018
EXPECTATIONS are high, among those boosting the idea of self-driving cars, that people will be able to do other things, such as reading, working on a laptop or having a nap, when riding in such a vehi...
Feb 2, 2018
Jan 31, 2018
From Russian propaganda to tech addiction, the incentives and excesses of the digital ad business are the cause of much of what ails online discourse.
Jan 29, 2018
It is an interesting and somewhat macabre parlor game to play at a large gathering of one’s acquaintances: to speculate who in a showdown would go Nazi. By now, I think I know. I have gone through the...
Jan 29, 2018
The long read: Since it decriminalised all drugs in 2001, Portugal has seen dramatic drops in overdoses, HIV infection and drug-related crime
Jan 29, 2018
Each year, US cities give thousands of homeless people one-way bus tickets out of town. An 18-month nationwide investigation by the Guardian reveals, for the first time, what really happens at journey...
Jan 29, 2018
‘Sin taxes’ to reverse the rapid global growth in meat eating are likely in five to 10 years, according to a report for investors managing over $4tn
Jan 29, 2018
Amazon Go exemplifies how Amazon is building its monopoly in three ways: horizontally, vertically, and financially. Plus, why automation is worth being optimistic about.
Jan 28, 2018
NOT long ago, being the boss of a big Western tech firm was a dream job. As the billions rolled in, so did the plaudits: Google, Facebook, Amazon and others were making the world a better place. Today...
Jan 28, 2018
[Author’s Note: Originally published here, this blog has recently been getting a lot of hits as it was referenced in my recent blog on dogfooding so I decided to republish it on Medium in slightly…